Selecting an Image for the Magazine

(If the text in the image can not be read when the image is clicled on, it says; )

Here we played around with the image we chose for our magazine front cover. Using the brightness and contrast tool, the colour was manipulated. An interesting effect we found was that using the tool we could play around with the image so that one half of the image looked darker that the other and this could connote her role in the narrative. She returns in the trailer and presents herself as a present young girl (this could be linked to the light half of the image) when really she is evil (this could be linked to the dark side of the image, which is her hidden identity).

Photoshoot For the Magazine and Poster

Due to technical issues I was unable to embed the product into blogger; however there is a link which can direct you to the website where this slide show can be viewed. Click on the following; 

Trailer Rating

We decided that the rating for our trailer will be '15' as it meets the criteria’s assigned by the BBFC which makes it suitable for this trailer or movie to be viewed by a 15 year old. From the BBFC article (written about the classification of a ‘rated’ 15 movie) shows that the use of harsh language and violence is acceptable. Therefore, adding in violent imagery would allow this trailer to fall beneath the guideline of a ‘rated’ 15 trailer e.g. weapons such as knives. 

Analysing real media text- Empire Magazine

(Double click on the image to see a bigger version OR right click and click on view image)

Shooting Footage

Factors to pay attention to

Audience Research- Audience Feedback

After looking into the British board of Film Classification, it is clear that films are created in a specific way, depending on the ratings of the audience (in terms of what they consist of). As our film rating is going to be 15, I thought it would be a good idea to ask someone who fits into this age range about what they expect from horror films/trailers, magazines and posters that they would watch.

Bruises on Hayley's Body

Due to technical issues I was unable to embed the product into blogger; however there is a link which can direct you to the website where this slide show can be viewed. Click on the following;